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Visit from the UK Defence and Security Exports' Support Team

16th October, 2025 

Richmond team members, Oliver and Nicholas Gilbert, and Chris Hawthorned, accompanied by Capt. Stu Natt, and WO2 Ian Ferguson, with a display of Richmond's products.

You will note from the Indo Defence website that the event has been postponed due to a government transition. We are confident that it will take place in early 2025, and will update you as soon as we have more information. Thanks for your patience.​

We were proud to host two members of the UK Defence and Security Exports' Export Support Team, today. Capt Stuart (Stu) Natt RE and Ian Ferguson MSc came along to work with our own Chris Hawthorne MInstRE to run through the key products that will be heading to the Indo Defence Expo and Forum.

They will be on the stand speaking to delegates and decision makers on our behalf, so after a tour of our facility, and working with the products, time was spent in our live firing range to observe the kit's performance.

We were very glad they were able to make the journey up from Larkhill to come and see us, and look forward to working with you closely going forward - thank you both.

Vulkan on show during Australian Deputy PM's visit to EPE

We are pleased to share a LinkedIn post from good friends at EPE. Trusted To Protect in Australia, who have been delighted to host the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, Richard Marles today.

You can see in the first image our Vulkan 40mm Maxi Recoilless De-Armer Disrupter System.

The Vulkan Disrupter system is a 4th generation maxi modular variable projectile mass, recoilless equipment which can be configured as a De-Armer or Disrupter. It can fire a projectile mass of up to 300g and has very accurate long stand-off capability.

If you require more information on this product, don't hesitate to get in touch with EPE, or us.

Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, Richard Marles, being show a Vulkan disrupter.

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